Congratulations on your nomination for the MASSP Assistant Principal-of-the-Year (APOY) Award. You should be honored and proud to be considered an exemplary school leader! I will be happy to share the name of the person/people who nominated you if you want to know. Contact me at [email protected].
Welcome to the Assistant Principal-of-the-Year (APOY) Award website. The APOY award program recognizes two outstanding assistant principals; one will be chosen for middle school and one will be chosen for high school. Your nomination indicates that you are an exemplary school leader. Assistant Principals who demonstrate instructional leadership; engage students, staff and community members; empower teachers and teacher leaders, as well as students and student leaders; contribute to a positive school culture; and maintain a safe and healthy environment are encouraged to apply for this award. Additionally, a qualified APOY has demonstrated exemplary contributions to the school leadership profession. Each year, the MASSP Assistant Principal-of-the Year winners' applications are submitted for consideration in the National Assistant Principal-of-the-Year Awards Program. The application you complete for MASSP is also the application for NASSP; therefore, you only need to complete the application once. I recognize that it is time consuming now; however, it will save you time later when you win and your application is entered for the national program.
You are encouraged to complete the application; the deadline date for applications is October 30, 2024 by 9:00 p.m. If you are not already registered from a past application, click “Register” on the left side navigation menu to get started. If you completed an application in the past, you should click on your name. The eligibility requirements and rubric are available to assist you in meeting the criteria that the reviewers will use to score your application. Once registered, you may enter the application page to begin the application process. Again, the application deadline is October 30, 2024 at 9:00 p.m. Please note that if you are selected as a MASSP APOY, you must be a member of MASSP/NASSP to move forward in the national awards program. The expectation, should you win, is that you are either already a MASSP/NASSP member OR will join MASSP/NASSP and remain a member for the next three years.
Make sure you regularly follow up with your references to ensure they submit their information in a timely fashion. If you have any questions regarding the application, contact Mr. Chris Truffer at [email protected] or call 443-545-9988. I can put you in touch with the IT person, at the national orfice, for assistance.
Congratulations again!
Chris Truffer, Executive Director
Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP)